
Showing posts from March, 2018

JCF Capital Advisors Tips to a Successful Company Merger or Acquisition

Recessions like the one we've recently been through tend to make companies stronger—those that survive, anyway. With the economic prospects looking up, therefore, your company may be in a great position to think about acquiring a competitor or making a strategic acquisition to bolster yourself for the years ahead. But buying another company is more than just a financial transaction. You have to think about everything from meshing computer systems to sorting out your sales and marketing team.  In other words, making a merger or acquisition is a lot of hard work.Given that, we asked Justin Floyd of JCF Capital Advisors  a national professional services firm that helps executives with all sorts of operational, financial and strategic challenges, for some guidance.  Justin Floyd   who, as COO and CFO of companies from a variety of industries, has led successful business turnarounds and integrated major acquisitions, provided the following tips if you might be thinking about making a